Where Your Family Becomes Part of Ours

It is our mission to provide a safe, clean, kind and loving home to those entrusted to our care. We will respect each resident's rights, possessions, opinions, religion and race. We will follow each resident's physician's orders, and do our part to give our residents the highest opportunity for optimal Mental & Physical Health.

We will work closely with family members, social workers, nurses, and Physicians to ensure our resident's health and safety. We will promote the highest level of independence in each resident. We will act with Honesty, Integrity and Accountability toward our residents.

Our goal is to assist you while keeping your health, dignity and individuality number one!

We provide the opportunity for optimal mental and physical health. Independence for each resident is our ultimate goal.

  • Elderly

  • Physical Disabilities

  • Developmentally Delayed

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Dementia and Managed Mental Illness

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
— Mahatma Gandhi

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